Arca Adriatica
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08 Equipment related to maritime activities
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Wooden punt-gun carriage on which the long barrel was mounted, for lagoon hunting.
Agregat koji čine osmocilindrični dizel-motor »Aran« iz 1952. br. 2 i istosmjerni generator »Cantieri riuniti dell’Adriatico, officine elettromeccaniche Monfalcone« tip DE 31.5, br. 136125 iz 1956. s pripadajućim instalacijama elektromreže u »Brodogradilištu Kraljevica« u Kraljevici
Grapnel anchors
Ancient marine processing tools (for the production of ropes and nets).
Tool for spreading pitch, for caulking hulls ("scóvolo" in Venetian, "lanata da calafato", "lanata da pece")
Wooden workbench for carpenter, used in shipyards.
Cauldron to melt the pitch
Bundle of marsh reeds used to generate the fire necessary to bend with heat the wooden planks.
Sailor's trunk
Wooden box with lanyard for marking out
Work wooden box of the caulker
A-shaped wooden easel or fixed stand, called "càvria" in Venetian, used as a support / fixing point to perform the bending of the planks by fire. Shipyards device.
Cogollo ("cogólo"), corpo dei rete da posta fissa per la pesca lagunare e costiera
Gravity weight or counterweight
Removable cabin of the work gondolas, called "felze" ("félse") in Venetian
Removable cabin of the private gondolas, called "felze" ("félse") in Venetian.
Iron blade with two handles
decorative iron element of the bow of the gondola
peculiar oarlocks of the lagoon boats, called "forcole"
Peculiar oarlocks of the lagoon boats, called "forcole"
The cap
Screw-propeller Izola
Le Lampare
Le materie prime. Le funi, i sugheri e i pesi.
Port „Metalna Maribor“ grab crane
Wooden hand-mallet "pile-beater"
Wooden semi-floating vivarium for eels or other, called "marotta da bisati" in Venetian.
Wooden semi-floating vivarium for crabs, called "marotta da moéche" in Venetian.
Wooden vice (used by oar builder)
Wooden clamps.
Nasse – Caloma - Togna
Eye of trabaccolo
Rudder blade of a "bragagna"
small oars for lagoon hunting boat "s'ciopón"
Steam piston engine
Reti e Lenze
Waterfowl shaped decoys for lagoon hunting