Cogollo ("cogólo"), corpo dei rete da posta fissa per la pesca lagunare e costiera
Cogollo ("cogólo"), corpo dei rete da posta fissa per la pesca lagunare e costiera Fixed fishing trap net, used in the lagoon and coastal fishing ("cogólo" or "cogollo")
Fishing trap net, fixed on the bottom by means of wooden sticks, composed of rings made with willow branches (more recently plastic rings), which develops in length and presents inside, in the spaces between the rings, cones of net facing the rear of the tool. These act as a trap; the fish try to enter thanks to the presence of bait, but the trap net makes it very difficult to escape. The preys are steered towards the pouch of the "cogollo" by means of two lateral "wings" which open in front of the body of net-trap. It is used for lagoon fishing, in canals, and along the coast in shallow water. The specimen of the Arzanà collection dates back to around the middle of the 20th century.