The exhibition RIJEKA PORT – HISTORY, DEVELOPMENT, TRAFFIC was the first large ambitious exhibition of the City Museum of Rijeka, organized in 2001 on the basis of many years of archival research by numerous researchers from Rijeka, Budapest, Vienna, Zagreb and Rome. Based on previous knowledge and research in the national archives in Vienna (Finanz und Hofkammer Archiv, Kriegsarchiv) and in Budapest (Magyar orszagos leveltar), and in the State Archives in Rijeka, as well as in the Arcivio-museo di Fiume (Societa di studi fiumani) in Rome, with the cooperation of the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Rijeka, the Port Authority and the company Luka Rijeka, the City Museum of Rijeka (the Cube) organized an exhibition that has long attracted attention with its concept and visual design. The exhibition Rijeka Port – History, Development, Traffic focuses on the Austrian and Hungarian periods, from 1719 to 1918, and covers the Italian and Yugoslav periods, as well as the beginnings of the Croatian state at the end of the 20th century. This exhibition is the first large historical systematically designed exhibition in Rijeka, with several accompanying exhibitions and editions (monograph, commemorative publication, brochures in several languages, video projections), and a specially prepared traveling exhibition hosted in Budapest (Traffic Museum), Zagreb (Zagreb City Museum) and Trieste (City Museums of History and Art, Palazzo Gopcevic).