The private collection of the Barković family is located in Sv. Jelena in the basement of their house (today the Barković-Blaženić family). Mate Barković started collecting the items that he inherited or used in his life and work as a fisherman and farmer. The artifacts were also brought to him by people who knew him as a heritage lover, but he also found a large number of exhibits in the trash just seeing the value of the item that others had not seen. The space is filled with a variety of fishing and shipbuilding tools, but also other things that testify to the life in past times. Among the artifacts related to maritime and fishing heritage, the guc boat bow MD18 stands out as the basis of family fishing, kerosene lanterns, cotton nets, wooden oars, old Segal engine, corks, wooden needles for sewing nets, wooden chests (from sailing ships), parts sunken ships, different parts of amphoras (two almost whole), stuffed sea fish (fish tails, shellfish, whelks) and marine books.